Saturday, December 21, 2019

Evaluate search engines

Evaluate search engines. Search engine evaluators use commonly-accessed search engines in order to seek out bugs or errors. You may not earn a lot, but you can do this job in your spare time and from the comfort of your own home. To find gigs, check sites like Lionbridge, and Appen Butler Hill.
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Get paid to search the

Get paid to search the Web. will pay you to use their online interface to search the web. To qualify, you need to be willing to download their search bar and use it for everyday Internet use. The only caveat that comes with this “gig” is that you might be paid in gift cards instead of cash. If you can parlay those gift cards into items you need to buy anyway – like groceries or gas – searching online can be a lucrative way to spend your free time.

Complete surveys online.

 Sites like Swagbucks and pay people to share their opinions on products or services, test mobile apps, or participate in market research. While the payday for these sites is modest, participating frequently can help you earn extra money in a short amount of time.

More importantly, keeping your profile active on sends

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